Flight Training Australia Podcast
Join me, Trent Robinson, an experienced Head of Operations, flight examiner, and charter pilot with over 26 years of experience, as we delve into the fascinating world of aviation. Based in Darwin, Australia, this podcast is designed for aviators of all levels, from beginners to advanced professionals. While our discussions have an Australian focus, the insights and knowledge shared are applicable to aviators worldwide.
Expect a variety of content, including insider tips, discussions on flight training and safety, advice for flight tests, in-depth explorations of aviation theory and regulations and engaging conversations with special guests. Whether you're a seasoned pilot or just starting your aviation journey, there's something here for you.
Don't miss out on valuable insights and entertaining discussions – subscribe today! Stay connected by reaching out to me via email at info@trentrobinsonaviation.com.au or find me on Instagram and Facebook by searching for Trent Robinson Aviation.
Theme music by Audionautix.com
Flight Training Australia Podcast
Ep 130 - Don't Learn to Fly Before You Listen to This!
Would you like to know more? Flick me a message!
Learning to fly can be an incredibly challenging but rewarding experience. But how do you start? Without knowing what questions to ask how can you arm yourself to not be taken advantage of or end up on a course that's not suited to you??
Well you've come to the right place!
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Email: info@trentrobinsonaviation.com.au
Online Training http://courses.flighttrainingaustralia.com.au
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Podcast Episodes: http://www.flighttrainingaustralia.com.au